The anime Blood Lad is a supernatural and a comedy genre anime where a vampire is a boss of a territory in the demon world wants to go to the human world to buy the items he wants. Staz is the name of the vampire, even though he's a vampire he has only a little interest in human blood. He's more infatuated with the Japanese Culture. When he learns a Japanese teenage girl Yanagi Fuyumi , accindentally wanders into his territory in the demon world, he jumps to the occasion. However , while Staz deals with an intruder on his turf, the oblivious Fuyumi was killed by a monster and becomes a wandering ghost. The Disappointed Staz vows to her that he will find a way to bring Fuyumi back to life.
Staz Charlie Blood
The vampire, Staz Blood, is one of the most powerful territory bosses in the demon world, fending off everyone who dares challenge him. But secretly he is very obsessed with the human culture, especially games, manga, and everything that comes from japan.
Fuyumi Yanagi
A high school girl who was lost in the demon world and then becomes a ghost after being eaten by a carnivorous plant.
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