The anime Dansai Bunri No Crime Edge is an action, gore and has a little romance. The main character Haimura Kiri is apparently an ordinary middle school boy with one slight problem, he is obsessed with cutting people's hair. One day he meets Mushiyanokouji Iwai, the "Hair Queen" who cannot cut her hair with anything because of an inherited curse. Kiri finds out that his scissor, "Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge" is the only thing that can cut them. But little did he know that their meeting is the start of an old murder game to kill the "Hair Queen" using the cursed killing tools, the "Killing Goods". So from there on he is always protecting Iwai and always cutting her hair because even if he cuts her hair the next day it will grow again.
Kiri Haimura
Kiri Haimura is a middle school boy who possesses a "Killing Good" inherited from his ancestor, which is a pair of scissors that are extremely sharp, and are the only things that can cut Iwai's hair. His ancestor was a murderer, who bring people into his basement, and then cut them up with a pair of scissors.
Iwai Mushanojouki
Iwai Mushanokouji is a girl with a very long hair that cannot be cut. Her hair has never been cut since birth, so it is extremely long, and also grows fast when it is cut. When Kiri found his ancestor's scissors, he was able to cut it, and he cuts it every time it grows.
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