The anime Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova is an action and sci-fi genre anime. In the year 2039, global warming had caused the sea levels to rise and large amount of territory has been lost. As though in response a large group of warship in the mist called "the fleet mist" has appeared in every corner of the ocean, and they began attacking human ship everywhere. In spite of humanity gathering all their strength, they were still utterly defeated by the strength of the mist warships overwhelming force. All of humanity's trade routes and way were blockaded by the fleet of mist, their political economy was destroyed by them, and the human race was steadily beaten down one by one. Seven years later, the fleet of mist's submarine I-401 appears before cadet Gunzo Chihaya which is the main character of the story. The humanoid life form that pilots the sub which is Iona, who should be their enemy, is instead offering her services to the mankind or we can say that offering her service to Gunzo Chihaya.
In my next blog I will introduce some of the characters
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