The anime Kami sama no Inai Nichiyoubi is a mystery fantasy anime. The story revolves around Ai an ordinary girl who was appointed to be a grave keeper after her mother died. The story first starts when God abandoned the world on Sunday. As a result, nobody in the world can die from anything or reproduce, even if they die they will be resurrected as a zombie or a undead, They also cant reproduce so no one can give birth to a baby even if they wanted to have a son or a daughter. A little girl or our main protagonist of the story Ai is a grave keeper for a village. She has prepared 47 graves for the eventual deaths of every member of the village she lives on. Later, a man who identifies himself as "Hampnie Hambart, the 'Man-eating Toy'," which is coincidentally Ai's mother left behind as the name of her father, arrives in the village and slaughters everybody. And also as I said that nobody can die , well there is one way they can die and happily rest is that to be buried by a grave keeper like Ai.
In my next blog I will introduce some of the Characters
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