The anime Girls and Panzer is a school life, action , military genre anime. You may have heard of the martial arts kung fu, but the girls in Oarai High School practice gun fu. A really really big 75mm gun fu, in fact. It's called Sensha-do, and it's the martial art of operating a armored tanks. They take it seriously too, and since winning the national Sensha-do championship is such a huge deal to Oarai, They sometimes go to extreme ends in order to get the best students from panzer class to sign up. Which is how Miho Nishizumi our main protagonist really hates who operates tanks, get drafted to join doomsday driven driver Mako, even triggered gunner HAna, highly receptive radio operator Saori and combustible tank-fangirl and loader Yukari as the incomparable Anko Team. They may not be on the half-track to fame and fortune, and maybe a few of them would rather shop for tank tops than become tops in tanks, but once their focus is locked and loaded, they're absolutely driven.
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